With the purpose of exploring alternatives for new roads for development, FDD has specialized in civic engagement projects which extensively utilize digital technologies. Today: El Quinto Poder (The Fifth Power); Bibliotecas para tu Acción Ciudadana (Libraries & Civic Engagement), Vecinos Conectados (Neighbours Networked) and, #NuestraConstitucion (Our Constitution), are its main action lines.


#VecinosConectados allows the citizens to collaborate with their local government in solving incidences of the public space.


#TuConstitución seeks to motivate the participation of all Chileans in the proposition of ideas for a possible new Constitution.


#ElQuintoPoder is a digital collaborative multiplatform that collects and disseminates citizens´ opinions.


The civic engagement & public libraries Project seeks to foster citizen participation through their public libraries so that communities can influence and collaborate in the decision-making process of their local governments.


Roberto del Río 1151, Providencia, Santiago de Chile Teléfono (56-2) 2333 80 98 Fax (56-2) 2334 23 01